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I had heard a slightly different version of FDR’s first VP’s quip about his office: it ain’t worth a warm bucket of piss.

That aside, the school newspaper at Brown is following its version of advocacy journalism by “sparing” its readers any information that might cause them to think or grapple with dissonant information.

I’ve witnessed something similar with the Columbia Spectator which, to be charitable, seems always slow off the mark whenever anything vaguely revealing of the pro-Hamas demonstrations pop up. It took Spec a few weeks before it reported on the devastating expose of the extent the antisemitism of the protests has injected itself throughout campus. Perhaps it was only a coincidence that within a day or two published a letter signed by what we may as well be frank and call the useful faculty idiots for Hamas denouncing the report as creating a false narrative of what’s happening on campus.

Given today’s targeted strike in Hezbollah’s HQ in Beirut and the increasing likelihood that Nasrallah has discovered there are no virgins at the end of his rainbow, I expect vigils, tears and despair for the “martyrs” across many Ivy League schools.

At some point, the fever will break but I imagine that point will occur only after Iranian imperialism is finally reined in by Israel - as no one else seems up to the task. We shall see.

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