
Thank you for this comment. It exposes the degree to which South Africa, a Hamas ally, is playing the ICJ for fools. But perhaps this time the ICJ may not be taking the bait. Of course to the Hamas supporting students and faculty around the country this will not matter. The law, the facts, thoughtful and rational analyses, indeed thinking to any degree at all, are not part of their toolkits.

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Something very curious is afoot. It was reported in the media that South Africa had requested several additional months to gather evidence to support its case for genocide by Israel against the Arabs in Gaza. This application should raise eyebrows.

To great international fanfare, South Africa filed its lawsuit demanding emergency relief and an order a ceasefire in Gaza as Israel was conducting an ongoing genocide. The ICJ was not persuaded that such emergency relief was required and ordered, in effect, that Israel adhere to the Laws of Armed Conflict - something that every high level Western military delegation has confirmed Israel has been following if not exceeding.

Now, with this application, South Africa is conceding that it does not have sufficient evidence to support its blockbuster claim. Because its case was always political and polemical, it will simply soldier on and, when (not if) it loses, it will blame Israel for impeding its investigation, hiding evidence and whatever other fantasy springs to mind.

Oddly, the Israeli press reported two days ago that the ICJ has denied South Africa’s request.


It’s odd because no media outside Israel has reported on what should be a publicly available - and significant - docket entry in a high profile case. It’s also difficult to find on Google without identifying an Israeli media source, so this might be an algorithm issue to boot.

As relevant to Brown, someone needs to ask Albanese how it is that South Africa is having such difficulty proving the very genocide she so casualty claims. Has she not shared her evidence with South Africa or is the claim legally unfounded?

It always seemed to me that the ICJ did not want to touch this case with the proverbial ten foot poll lest it undermine the concept of “genocide” through its obvious politicization.

Should the Israeli media be correct, it will be interesting to see how South Africa tries to salvage things. I suppose it might just fall back on a claim that thanks to South Africa, whose brave court case shined a light on Israel’s malevolent conduct, foiled Israel malevolent plot and thus was a genocide averted.

It goes without saying that college campuses will continue to ring with chants of “genocide” as the charge was never based on facts but was likely meant to trivialize the Shoah.

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