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Quite evidently none of the stout social justice warriors cares for the Uighurs, Syrians or Kurds. But here’s an idea. Perhaps some Jewish group might invite a speaker from the Africa-Jewish Alliance who can speak knowledgeably about ongoing enslavement of Blacks in Arab countries. That should create some cognitive dissonance among many of the keffiyeh-wearing dilettantes on campus.


Separately, has Brown considered a mask ban (with health and festival exceptions but even then, they must unmask upon demand for ID purposes to ensure their student status)?

Many campuses could benefit from what, in our day, was called guerrilla theater. To bring home a rather obvious point, a student group could parade in Klan outfits along with keffiyeh-clad auxiliaries - or maybe adorn their sheets with a keffiyeh. May as well have some fun while exposing the double standard.

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